Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Scans of Wallsend Slipway Brochures

Worked through a batch of scanning, including these Wallsend Slipway brochures. Why have I scanned them? My grandfather worked there, and I remember as a kid visiting with my father. They are fascinating, full of the shipping that we built and sent all round the world in those days. 

The title "Oil Burning for Marine Installations" may lack something compared to the glamour of the record-breaking Mauritania (engined at Wallsend Slipway and described and illustrated in both the brochures above) but it contains some beautiful coloured cutaway diagrams of marine machinery. There's an interesting description and illustration of one of Wallsend Slipway's engines, now on display in the excellent Rahmi M Koรง private technology museum in Istanbul, Turkey, at the International Steam Pages web site.


Finally, a coloured aerial photograph from the 1871-1929 brochure. It shows the iconic 200-ton crane, a well-known landmark in the area (also shown on the cover of the 1871-1929 brochure).